Thursday, October 27, 2005

msging out from Finland

Well what do u know..I finally get out of namma ..Flooded SillyCONVali..;)
and up in "HELL" Sin Ki..and its fun for sure..Nice flight with "'Thirupachi" running on Lufthansa..but only pain point is the crew ripped me of 4k for excess baggage..Grrrrrrrrrrr....Thatz unfair guyz...i carried only 26Kgs...and she(crew) says she can allow only 24 max..dont tell 2kilos can bring ur flight down..anyway for 4k their boeing 747 was able to carry the remaining 2K...geesh i didn't know planes can guzzle cash now...

Fun part is I really did some exploring on my own..chked out the sleek OTTO machines to chk if my UTI Dr card works..and it did like a I go on to this CITY CENTER couple of streets from my apartment and did some shopping for groceries..Nice folks around here..The cashier (a cute looking babe) @ the shop infact personally went to the weighing machine to print out the bill..Well thatz some technology...Every fruit/Veg variety is marked by a number..So I weigh the banana numbered 67 and enter this number on the weighing scale and it throws me out a slip with the amt..thatz cool tech guys, why dont they introduce one @ FOOD WORLDS of the world, instead of me having to deal with Shady retailer with their odd looking scales with a StdDeviation of +25% atleast ;)...In the afternoon my roomies joined me @ the apartment and u know what, one of the guys happens to be a old colleague from Infy whom I had met on a couple of parties..geesh..World is really small..Now we both work in the same project..He is going back in a couple of weeks, while am stuck here for the next 3 months..

I will be meeting my client tomorrow..Prayin it goes well..Its an assignment which I hope will shape my career in FLOWER office over the next few years ;))

Good night folks..


At 9:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go buddy...
Hope the meeting goes well. Howz ur hair? frozen? :)....
Nice idea bout using the blog.. easier way of keeping in touch


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