Monday, November 14, 2005

Weekend..BASH or Do i call it Hash!!

So another weekend goes in Helsinki, with not much work happening during the week owing to a problematic Server with its weird Error messages and connectivity issues..Without getting into the technicalities , its just that the H/W platform is so new that the XI S/W is having issues acquainted to it..No such problems on my front though, am settling down quite nicely here..Have a friendly colleague Jukka(spell him U...kk.aa, i'll call him UU..) ,who has a very weird sense of humour..(pretty weird as he himself admits) but finds me to be more less the same..(Oh C'mon dude, I'm not so odd with my jokes!! am I ?).

'U..' apparantly cleared his XI cert, last week but was candid enough to admit to me that he screwed up the 'Mappings' section in his paper.To clear the XI cert u need to make min 70 in each of the sections and man..thatz one horrible exam , I must admit..I had nitemares giving the exam an year back..RA and Sara took it with me and know what, we were the first to clear it in Flower office and probably one of the first few in India..(then ;)))

So what did I do in the weekend....I watched one of those new Diwali movies called 'SIVAKASI' ..phew what a waste of time..Certainly goes down as one of the most stupid movies I have seen..I saw reviews of this being categorised as a B grade movie..Plzzz spare me that crap, it doesn't even make it to a C grade..Vijay cud probably get better directors to do his stufff...But same dialogues..nakkals..bores u out..2nd half was refreshing though..more like 'Gilly'..!!!Prakash raj was in his usual elt's..I felt Asin,Saranya and Geetha were wasted in the movie..Cud have been better utilised..Asin has a great screen presence, but can choose better stories b'cos she gets sidelined in such masalas..!!! anywayz..thatz a solid 2.5hrs wasted..

But I also had the oppurtunity to spend time with some nice finnish-Swedish-Scottish folks in a chillout group called the Helsinki Hash club(they call it the Helsinki H4). Lemme first introduce the concept to you..The basic idea was to get to gether , hang out and have a good Drink(read BEER) ..Nowadays its evolved into one of those groups where you have these activities like tracking Trails, Biking , a Sauna(thatz in Finn offcourse) and good FOOD too.I have a colleague here called Janne(thatz Yane), real freaky guy who organises this Hash..Every Hasher has his own nickname(hashname as they call it)... He is the 'Dancing Queen' ;)) We had others HotHorse, MIB, Snitch...I hope to get a name too soon..and the naming ceremony is one of those rippoff English coronations.(details follow)!!!

So once we got together,we start of with an intro.., I had my colleague Anand with me..The Hare(Dancing queen this time), lays down the rules for the Trail. We basically have a Walkers trail and a Runners Trail..which we need to follow to get to the target.Runners trail has the rules to be obeyed like a '*' marked to point that you are on the rite track and a 'X' meaning the trail ends there.Thr r a few more like Fish hooks, 'W' for a walkers trail and all that..On the way we also need to get the BEER stop, which is a bonus for tracking it rite.Our trail started @ Yane's house in ESPOO and takes a trip thro' the Bird watch area near the estuary and finally ends up back @ his place..Since I didn't have my running shoes on..I took the walkers trail and had a nice girl hashnamed(hothorse) for company.She happens to be this marketing strategist for European subsidiary of RoyalEnfield..Very interested in Indian culinary..I showed off ;) my knowledge on some recipes on making Kheer(payasam), Biriyani and curries..She was so interested in it that even offered to help me setup a hash in the future with Indian food included offcourse!!! Well thatz pretty good for a start ;)

So we finally go back to Yane's house following the trail..We now form a circle with BEER and Softdrinks in our hand and we go on to rag the fellow hashers for their mismanagement and misbehaviors.. I was ragged twice for being the virgin(new hasher thatz it) and had 2 gulps of beer to drink to it..We then had a hash naming ceremony for one of the girls in the crowd, whom we named as the Wise Posterium(Wise Arse) for her wise crackz..The lead Hash conducts the ceremony and it goes like 'Based on the power vested in me...........' and we finally pour flour and beer on her head ;))

GOsh i do shudder whatz gonna happen to my hair,considering that I'll be named when its gonna be probably -5 degrees in finland..oh no...

@ the end of it , we end up in Sauna and have a nourishing dinner with Janne cooking up an African dish with rice and some Kichdi sort of stuff using Potatoes, Carrot and Peanut butter..We have a couple of more beers and for the new hasher..I get a Badge and Nice TShirt(HashersT Shirt).

More on Finn front...wait for it...


At 9:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool dude.. looks like ur having a blast out there!.. Send back some pics, if u can...

At 11:38 AM , Blogger Ulysses - "Mid LIfe but no crisis" said...

Catch all fotos @


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