Sunday, August 13, 2006

Back from US

So wassup back from US last week 'n recovering slowly from the after effects of an hectic tour...Only interesting stuff to the whole trip is I got 1st hand to talk to Webmethods CTO during a networking lunch:) Marc something and hear out his views on the way the webservices-SOA stuff is going!! He had no better thoughts on that than any of the 150 + delegates he addressed on IS day @ clients place.He was there anyway to push Webmethods with XI is being considered by the client's numerous business teams..The best quote was when he said the "only solution to the standards blitz happening with numerous WS* suggestions should be that clients start pushing vendors to agree on the Standards adoption", but question is that IS this any easier Said than done..Simple reason being there is no usergroup for such a concept as is ASUG for SAP..So something of that sort is not gonna be realised anytime sooner.

Met the client's team the remaining 2 days pushing them to consider XI for integration services but this was no cakewalk as the whole tech team out there has "Webmethods--Webmethods " ringing in their heads.But the guys agreed that product is evolving, so have finally agreed to have an architect to provide them a Int'n roadmap on XI..Mostly I shd be leaving this monthend to NJ again for this..Phew...

As for the other new things happening on..

Girl search ... the latest search collapsed when the horoscope apparently didn't match so mom is back to drawing put it..Poor frnd Arun who was actively pushing for the girl's profile to be considered is bit pissed off on that...

Tech learning .. Am now doing a bit on SOA and JMS..Shd bloggin soon on JMS architectures vis-vis vanilla Middleware implementations, so may start a separate blog corner on that..

Both Taklu and weatherboy are travelling to UK for different assignments..Nice to see the kids take to thr wings..Hope they dont fly away from the NEST(to be read Flower company)