Sunday, April 07, 2019

Turned 41 - Reminiscing our common past.. and current day politics

Its my Birthday and time to Remember - JWB massacre, Impending BREXIT and some potential fall outs..

Had a good birthday today. Kid and I went to the Lego Brick show at Penrith today and had a good time. Its amazing to see what you can do with Legos and a bit of imagination. Great memories that Nikhil  and I will have forever in our lives.

Its however also the time for remembrance for Indians and those who are history buffs. In 5 days and 12 hours from the time I am writing this blog , UK is inching towards a mess with BREXIT on 13th April 2019. Its uncanny that exactly 100 years ago on 13th of April 1919, sepoys led by Reginald Dyer fired indiscriminately on innocent peaceful citizens who had assembled at Jallianwala Bagh. This event triggered a series of events leading to British getting kicked out off India and end of their Empire worldwide forever. Its uncanny in the sense that now with BREXIT one of most enduring tie-ups post World War 2 is coming to an end and potentially will sink UK and European Nations further into doldrums.

I would like to spend scribbling  in the next few paras what I see is probably going to happen in the coming years. Its quite apparent the British exit from European Union will further sow the seeds of more Nationalist fervor. British economy will hit certainly hit its nadir as it struggles to adapt to the status quo post exit. The split of these nations will however result in states with different extremist ideologies which is a great concern. FRANCE , SPAIN and ITALY seem to be easy targets to such ideologies due to their struggling economies. With  increasing Muslim immigrants from West Asia and Africa there is a major increase in nationalist fervor and rise of anti immigrant political ideologies in most of these nations gaining ground. This will very well rise in Britain as well post Brexit. Even in countries like Germany and even Australia , rise of One Nation kinda of parties is very embodiment of unrest among a certain demography - Predominantly White - Blue Collars - Religious Conservatives( to be interpreted as Christian Right). 

One of the biggest reason for the fall of fascist, communist and extreme rightist/leftist ideologies was the formation of democracies and economic growth of democratic nations with better cooperation and world trade driven by tax agreements and common legal systems. Concepts like NATO, European union, WTO despite their inadequacies have kept the hegemonic and extremist ideologies at bay. Rise of  Conservative quirks like Trump in US , a Nation which has kept the beacon of Democracy for the last 80 years post the world war is turning to extreme right. Anti Immigrant , White Supremacist politics is replacing Conservative politics. Rise of Trump sort of characters feeds power and support to such right wing ideologies every where take as an example Marine Le Pen in France, 

BREXIT will accelerate the fall of democratic, centrist politics globally. I see Russia rising in stature meddling with politics in every region some of it through covert political influence like what they have done by helping Trump rise in US. China will have their chance at the head of the table in the new Cold war between the Democratic but struggling nations and the rising mix of extremist ideologies. US, Canada, UK, India, Australia and a few European nations like Germany will be on one side with only commonality being the Democratic character of the nations tying them together.

As US power and influence decreases globally, China will challenge it at every front with its money power - You can see it at best play in Argentina for instance or the Leftist states in South America.
China will use its money to influence thinking within the democracies easily - Lobby groups already do this today. Australia is a good example how they have infiltrated both Labor and Liberal politics making it difficult to avoid China in any of their political calculations.Chinese will feed the dissent within the democracies with their money power as they build their pearls globally across Asia, Africa and South America. They already have allied with Saudi Arabia, Turkey,  Russia and Pakistan. 

I cant but help think about Nostradamus's predictions at this moment. During 2001 around the 9/11 timeline I started looking at his writings seriously. One of the interpretations mentioned the rise of China and Islamic nations along with Russia in the build up to the 3rd World War. Till recently I wouldn't have considered this to happen seriously but now it seems quite real. One of the worst things that I see happening is the collaboration among Islamic nations building their common army aligning to Sunni ideology trying to pull like Shia nations like Yemen and Iran. Its a matter of time before this army  is led by a thinking that turns against other nations that can challenge such extremist thinking. If it ever happens, I think the democratic world order will struggle to match against such strong combination of Communist + Islamic armies bounded by extremist thinking, systems and can probably be taken very well be control by the next SATAN :) Nostradamus even mentioned a traitor running one of these democracies who appears to be a turncoat. Who could that be i ponder!! Whoa... is HE really who that is pointed to in that quatrain.

Funny all of  this is just my imagination running wild on  a Sunday evening but you never know ;) 

Lets see how these things evolve over the next few years and decades..