Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Another post for 2021.. Seems like its a blog an year routine now

My 2019 post seems to be on the way to becoming true as Taliban took over Kabul yesterday.Ideology wins over Money any day and this is a repeat. You cant change the DNA of a culture that hasnt bent to an external master in centuries to your whim.. Interestingly what Trump managed to cull by ensuring ISIS never rose, Biden has completely failed to do with Taliban. Underlying ideology is the same nevertheless. This creates an unstable neighborhood for India with Pak gaining an upper hand and a country next door to freely train terrorists as a constant supply, a rising super power with funds to  arm the insurgents as long as Islamic countries look away from its own ethnic cleansing of religious minorities. The dog will wag its tail to the new masters who create a sense of we wont mess with how you run your country as long as you supply us with Rare earths and pain our enemies. The scales have truly tilted, all this Ideology needs is one more pawn(Saudi's) to fall in place and you have the perfect storm brewing as Nostradamus predicted.

Leaving that for aside wrote this as my friends reminded me of this blogspace during a chat.. May be in the next one this politics would have moved on with further decline of Western Liberalism, rise of socialist and communist ideologies again and decline of blocs like the EU stressed by financial constraints and rising differences due to immigration and lack of opportunities to the native citizens. What I certainly see is the rise of India as these instabilities continue around it. Tipping point is still away in the future for the final descent in to a global war.. It will not happen with rise of China but with its eventual and gradual fall and rise of Wahhabism around a central figure in West Asia..