Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Finally its gone LIVE

After 6 months of struggle, uncertainity and "so called challenging times" when you finally see your Project going LIVE without any major issues, you get the immense satisfaction of having completed a quality Deliverable.On May 2nd, N&P went live in Sweden and Finland with huge data load of 200000 records sent in just a single day!! Have had my guys monitoring the loads in Shifts as per Finnish timings.If this goes smooth over this week, I will have some peaceful time @ home preparing for SP's marriage celebs..Have loads of work coming up and some extended days and nights till 11th May..

Know what the Election results come out on the same day, so am bit worried about general Law&Order around the Kalyan Mandapam, as its supposed to be in a busy area called Vadapalani!

Leaving these aside the hottest chat around the town these days is the new set of Parties and candidates for the local state elections in TN.My 2 cents is on JJ coming back, as probably she has not much of anti-incumbency factor, tripping her path.Excellent Tsunami work, tough approach to State Gov employees, better handling of Financial affairs and nack of blaming all ILLs on the Go(Group of TN)Ministers is coming handy to her.UPA has nothing much to show on this account, except for the new Kid on the block ,Mr.Dayanidhi Maran the rest dont have anythign worthwhile to show to the public..

One new factor I see is the emergence of groups like LOK PARITRAN which have probably the most saner manifesto among the crap'r one's I get to see among the other mainstream Parties in TN.Check it out from this Pdf link Manifest

Their Achilles heel are galore,
1) no "KNOWN faces" in the fora.
2) Lack of Proper Marketing of their Agenda and Reach.
3) Its doesn't even have a Tamil name to its party which makes it quite alien to the local populace.
4) Skewed Audience- educated Middle/Upper Middleclass - This is the "CULPRIT" GROUP which doesn't CARE to vote during elections!!

But whatever be the issue probably the very fact that this is a group of bright and educated individuals who have decided to spend their Time campaigning for a Cause - when they could have instead sat @ one of the numerous MNCs -consulting to earn some decent bucks, attracts one to their side.So no guesses on this, my sure VOTE is for them-luckily as I reside in one of the 5 constituencies where they plan to contest.

BTW forgot one thing, I just cleared Velociq couple of days back..it was a breeze..Didnt even prepare..25 questions - 7 mins flat..Wonder why i still get these pre exam cramps!!May be I should prepare for PMP..:) Well that wud be a nice challenge!!


At 10:23 PM , Blogger Ulysses - "Mid LIfe but no crisis" said...

Am surprised to see no posts dude..Am not sure which post you meant..Its a generic forum for the Hindu students in states chatting thr views on the web on which have no comments, but wud sure appreciate if you cud point me out exactly to the link between ur stmt and the forum!! Am lost

At 10:24 PM , Blogger Ulysses - "Mid LIfe but no crisis" said...

Am surprised to see no posts dude..Am not sure which post you meant..Its a generic forum for the Hindu students in states chatting thr views on the web on which have no comments, but wud sure appreciate if you cud point me out exactly to the link between ur stmt and the forum!! Am lost


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