Monday, December 22, 2008

Paris..Whats in a name :)el

There we go am back what i stopped doing lately..Travelling nonstop..Its been a week since i landed in Paris, 8 days to be accurate.Sigh of relief after a stupid AI flight through Mumbai and Delhi finally touched down in Charles de Gaulle.Inspite of using the sanitiser i did catch flu on the flight but as long as its not "Bird flu" can give it a pass..Paris was cold last week averaging 1 deg Centigrade..but last 3 days its been quite pleasant hovering @ 8 deg.I am put up @ the CBD(La Defense) and travel by RER to Rueil Mailmaison.Have been looking around for an apartment near the CBD..infact will be going to Courbouvoie and Puteaux near LA Defense for taking a look @ a few apartments tomorrow.Offcourse managing the language barrier has been bit difficult but have seen French folks in Paris to be pretty decent, though folks did warn me they could be rude..Havent met any such characters so far.I work with a mixed crowd here, Gerhard my boss is German, Support team is led by a Pole called Janos and Super boss is italian.Nice mix, quite professional.I also happen to work in a multi vendor environment with CapGemini, AtosOrigin, IBM and other Independent consultants in the team.More updates will be coming ..Watch out for this space..


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