Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I am moving out of Chennai

Phew...what an hectic month..Project's gone live, got my kid sis married off and now am finally moving out of chennai back to Bangalore.A relief from the 35+ degree sweltering heat and dust to a more cooler, wetter place..But ss back to an ever irritating 10 km to & fro travel on Hosur road to ECity and back to BTM.Wish I had one those powers to get teleported as on scifi serials (called StarTrek) we used to watch on those good old days -every Sunday 9am on DD1..Sure wud have been cool..One of my other fantasy from this serial of having a flip phone has come true anyway..Indulged myself on a brand new MotoRazr V3i with a cool bluetooth headphone...Cost a heavy 15k but looks worth the expense..

The latest am reading these days is - "The World is Flat" by Tom Friedman, good book, ever insightful but felt he is getting all IndoMania..First 45 pages have all been abt Nandan, BLR, Call centers..etc etc..But quite a change from his older book - "Lexus and the Olive Tree" where all i could find abt India was an odd mention here and there.Felt quite let down then but realised I was too late in reading his books..Though I did catch up on his documentary on his trip down to Infy 't was on BBC if I am not wrong.BTW did i tell you I did get to finish reading "DaVinci Code",so queered was I by the hype surrounding the film, i did it in a marathon 6hrs 43 mins flat, last week(Was it slow,..not sure I know Sara sat on it for close to a month).Now am waiting to see the film if and Only if It gets released in India....

Sigh!! boss why do folks have to have a tiff over disclaimers..If you have decided its gonna be Mature audiences watching the film(not possible in these days of BitTorrents and BurmaBazaars(for pirated DVDs)) wouldn't they be mature enough to decide if its truth/fiction on the screen..Beats me..One thing am sure is, if its gonna be 2.5 hrs of pure dialogue and no action, forget it you wont need a disclaimer..Film will end up being a fiction unless someother director decides to make a sequel(ala Alexander ishtyle).But the news I read yesterday on the collections($225M) in 3 days tells a different tale though..

BTW did I tell I just started hunting for a girl...lets see where this goes!!Had funtime filling up the application form in a online matrimony site.. The best one was on the skin color..Fair, Wheat ..Wheatish Brown , Dark????!!!!! Eh isn't this a non racist country :) BTW I consulted 8 people before I checked that one :)


At 3:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ World is Flat: The book is pretty good, I probably liked it bcoz it IS India centric.
@ you Coming to Blore: yahooo.. when will you be here?
@ Searching for a Girl: hehe... so it has begun.... :D


At 10:27 PM , Blogger Ulysses - "Mid LIfe but no crisis" said...

On 29th I shd be thr..Well for the search its a half hearted effort anywayz..


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